Quick 15-minute Home Workout Routine

Exercise is good for a healthy lifestyle, and we all know it, but doing it and managing time is another story altogether. Some of us might not have enough motivation and time on our hands. For others, who haven’t exercised in a long time, even simpler routines might seem daunting. Most people forget that any movement in a workout is a good movement as long as you do it in reps and regularly. Today, we’ll discuss some exercises you can do in quick 15 minutes sessions that you can tailor yourself, depending on your comfort level. Let’s begin the exploration.

15-minute Home Workout Routine

Before we begin, you should know that this regimen is built around interval training or, in other words, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). In HIIT, you do a quick succession of different exercises that pump your heart, increasing your metabolism and blood flow. The enhanced feeling lasts for hours after the workout keeping you fresh throughout the day.

Following are the six intervals for this HIIT that you can finish within 15 minutes and cover all your body’s essential muscle groups. Remember, these exercises can vary from low intensity to high intensity depending on your fitness level and can be swapped with other options we have included here.

  1. Upper Body – Strength – This workout includes exercises like Incline and pushups, regular pushups, etc.
    1. Time required: 60 seconds
  2. Cardio – This group contains jumping and seal jacks, frog jumps, etc.
    1. Time required: 30 seconds
  3. Lower Body – Strength – This group contains exercises such as squats, jump squats, etc.
    1. Time required: 60 seconds
  4. Cardio – Either repeat the exercise you did in part 2 or choose another one from the list below in the respective section.
    1. Time required: 30 seconds
  5. Core – Strength – This core group will contain routines such as planks, flutter kicks, crunches, etc.
    1. Time required: 60 seconds
  6. Cardio – Again, same as above.
  7. Rest – Time required: 30 seconds.

After you complete these six intervals, you take the rest of the 30 seconds and repeat again these intervals two more times. Below we mention in detail what these intervals will contain, and different exercises mentioned, increase in difficulty according to experts. Still, it is up to you to mix and match if you feel comfortable.

  1. Upper Body Strength Exercises

The exercises that you can use in this interval are listed as such:

  • Knee Pushups
  • Incline Pushups
  • Pushups
  • Spiderman Pushups

These exercises are listed in order of difficulty. Knee and incline pushups are for beginners, while standard pushups and spider man pushups are for intermediate and advanced levels. The reason behind this selection is that inclined and knee pushups, due to inclination, don’t put as much stress on your arms as standard ones. This is primarily due to the factor of gravity.

Pic. Push-ups

In the case of spiderman pushups, the workout routine adds extra complexity to the workout when your face is near the ground. You bring one of the knees until it touches your elbow and do the same with the other leg. This adds more resistance to your arms and increases their strength.

  1. Lower Body Strength Exercises

Following are the exercises for the lower body in order of their difficulty.

  • Alternating Bodyweight Lunges
  • Box (or Chair) Squats
  • Air Squats
  • Jump Squats

You can use any of these and match it with any from other groups. For example, if you are comfortable with standard pushups, you can add lunges from this group, but you can add air squats or even jump squats according to your strength if it’s too easy for you. Nonetheless, you will eventually increase the difficulty level to increase your overall strength for a better and healthy lifestyle.

Pic. Lunges

For starters, lunges and air squats are easier exercises that get your body and muscles in motion, getting them used to your daily workout routine. When muscle memory develops and strength increases, you can increase their difficulty by adding knee or ankle weights. For more difficulty, you can move on to jump squats and add ankle weights for more resistance. You can do this process with any of the exercises mentioned in this article to increase your fitness level and strength.

Pic. Squats
  1. Core Strength Exercises

As we all know, the core is the prime group. We recommend starting with the easiest and including them in your work routine for at least two weeks before moving on to the difficult ones.

  • Knee Plank
  • Plank
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Crunches
  • Toe Reach Crunches
  • Leg Raises
Pic. Plank
Pic. Leg Raises

Here the knee plank is the easiest to do for your core, while toe reach crunches are advanced level. Slowly make your way through each difficulty.

  1. Cardio Exercises

While we have mentioned different exercises for the above groups, for cardio, you can choose any of these mentioned below:

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Seal Jacks
  • High Knees
  • Speed Skaters
  • Frog Jumps
  • Burpees
Pic. Jumping Jacks
Pic. High Knees

The purpose of cardio exercises is to make your heart work, increase the blood flow to different organs of your body and enhance your lungs’ breathing capacity. All these exercises do that. The increased blood flow and oxygen intake will increase the freshness level that lasts longer the more time you spend with cardio exercises. No wonder high-level athletes make cardio an essential part of their interval workouts.

These exercises work around the main principle of making your feet leave the ground and use the body’s energy to stay in the air. Regular cardio for short intervals with other exercises enhances the workout routine.

Bottom Line:

If you can start with all of the beginner-level exercises in your routine for at least a week, you will see a difference in your health and feel fresh most of the day. You won’t feel tiresome as you used to, and then increase the difficulty level one by one until you can increase the reps and add more time into your healthy workout routine.